Third Places Archive

When coworking and coffeehouse merge: The previous entry profiled the Architect magazine story, The Next Coffeehouse, and

The next coffeehouse?: What will the next generation third place look like? Architect Magazine asked

Zero-energy, community-building, mobile coffeehouse: First we profiled the conference bike, then the pub bike, followed by

Third place coffeehouses as economic development: I first profiled Tryst back in 2003 as a popular coffeehouse third

Reader experience: Each cup ‘made from scratch’ coffeehouse: My favorite category on this website is Reader Experiences. What better way

Third places’ for bicycle commuters: We know third places are that familiar social gathering place away from

Pull your own pint’ – a bar within a bar: Say you’re at a bar with friends, and you want to sample

Third places, events and scenes oh my…: If you’re looking to establish a beta community to crowdsource a natural

Germany’s #1 third place: If you’re visiting Munich and drink beer, you probably already know about

A third place to spark community a small town: A few years ago 32-year old Melanie DiPasquale felt there was something

A truly triple bottom line third place: A lot of businesses like to call themselves triple bottom line (economic,

A third place on steroids in Brooklyn: “It’s not home, it’s not work. It’s that other place. It’s your

How to make a bar affordable and easy to meet people?: For people with hefty wallets and type AAA personalities, meeting people at

A creative third place every downtown needs: Followers of this website know that we focus on neighborhoods and districts

And the winner for best ‘third place’ for teens is…: Manboo in Japan. Maybe. Think of it as a social hangout/cafe/living room/gaming

The beer garden in Queens (Astoria): Hundreds of people, relaxing, conversing, laughing, with a cold beer, chicken wings

The Irish pub – the official third place of Ireland (and more): Happy St. Patrick’s Day. In Ireland, three quarters of all alcohol is

Reader experience: A third place street: Youngbin Park at Cornell University provides this response to Monday’s blog on

Reader experience: A third place supermarket: Thanks to Annie Lux at UNC in response to yesterday’s blog on

Sienna’s version of a portal: It’s tradition in Spain and Portugal to have family dinners outdoors, and

Darwin’s – A one-stop third place: Just outside Harvard Square, Cambridge, you may happen upon a crowd of

Every neighborhood needs a third place: There’s home, there’s work, then there’s the third place. Just like with

Madison’s outdoor ‘third places: Every town needs third places away from home and the workplace. These

What’s with all those dollar bills on the walls?: The great thing about independent business owners is that you’re often in

Shabby Chic – beyond the home: I’m not one for trends, but Rachel Ashwell’s Shabby Chic methodology of
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