Media & Resources Archive

Smart growth produces 10 times more tax revenue: Finally, evidence of what we all knew: Walkable communities save/create significant $

Study: Millennials lead trend to walkable communities: The actual headlines based on a new U.S. PIRG study, “New Direction: Our

WalkUP Wake-Up Call’ report a model for walkability: We know there’s a demand for walkable communities, but what about the

More evidence that walkability is financially positive: Many of us know empirically that walkable neighborhoods are positives economically, socially

New “Crowdsourcing for Idiots” book features town: There’s a plethora of books on crowdsourcing out there, but only one

Gems of innovation in Fast Cities 2011: Each year Fast Company magazine introduces their pick for Fast Cities City

Crowdsource Placemaking Lab opens: This is a site for defining, talking about and providing examples of

Car-free community proposed in South Carolina: If you’re passionate about walking, biking and living outside of the city,

Crowdsourcing a library of favorite places: What are the coolest, discovered or undiscovered places locally and around the

TEDx transcript on crowdsourced placemaking: While they put together the videos for the TEDx in Washington DC

GOOD’s neighborhood guide for 2010: GOOD Magazine went all out in their 2010 Neighborhoods Issue with well

A ‘deck’ for crowdsourcing development in DC: Pictures and music are worth more than text, so here’s a deck

Placemaking video contest winner: The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) held a video contest to

Top’ cities in the world by quality of life, infrastructure: In order to to help governments and major companies place employees on

Time gets on the ‘people over cars’ bandwagon: Time Magazine has taken the ‘people over cars‘ cultural mindset shift into

People over cars’ hits Fast Company: Regarding this cultural and economic transition of communities prioritizing a pedestrian infrastructure

People over cars’ begins to hit mainstream media: “It’s Time for Cities to Favor People, Not Cars” isn’t a headline

The CoolTown ‘tag cloud’ goes ‘public: Over 1400 entries later, I thought it’d be interesting to post what

New government era, new model for building a creative economy: The new administration promises to bring true meaning to ‘by the people,

Forbes: The ‘prettiest towns’ in the U.S.: What’s the big deal with how aesthetically pleasing a place is? Well,

Buzz from Creative Cities Summit 2.0: The Creatives Cities Summit 2.0 was held in Detroit, Michigan, October 12-15,

Top cities with the qualities that matter to creatives: The previous entry highlighted what 600,000 people thought of 25 cities based

600,000 vote on their favorite cities: After a while, listening to ‘experts’ tell you which are the best

Outside – Top Renaissance Towns’ (2 of 2): Continuing our look at the best cities that are remixing, reinventing themselves,

Outside: Top renaissance cities 2008′ (1 of 2): We’ve seen endless list of best places to live, work, walkable etc.

Top 10 Cities for Design in the U.S.: Yes, it’s yet another city ranking. But considering that aesthetics matters most

Fast Company’s ‘Fast Cities’ 2008: Ok, since Fast Company Magazine’s choice for their Fast Cities 2008 U.S.

Place and event-based social networks on the rise: The internet will never replace a sense of community based on face-face

At last, a site guide to this website’s categories!: 1300+ entries later (all archived for free here or via the Archives