Innovation Districts Archive

‘Innovation Districts’ are the heart of our economic growth: Since this blog’s first articles in 2003, the vision has been about

A model for crowdplacemaking is… in Vegas?: What happens when you take a crowdsourced pop-up city of 60,000 people

The economic benefits to businesses in walkable communities: Walkable is good for business. A November 2013 report, Business Performance in Walkable
: Like this! It was just a matter of time before Facebook began

Universities finally building urban villages… on campus: Most students at university campuses either don’t need to drive, don’t need

Employment districts for a knowledge economy: What does the new workplace neighborhood look like as we shift from

Employees moving to downtowns by the thousands: That’s literally the case when it comes to Detroit. Let me say

The New Urban Workplace: In the industrial economy people worked in factories. In the services/information economy
: Many of Google’s HQ employees in Mountain View, Silicon Valley, California fit

Prospering in ‘non-Mega-Regions’ for creatives: From a creative economy point of view, are towns, cities and even

University towns fare well in recessions: How can your city best weather an economic downturn? Based on research,

Retrofitting office parks into urban villages: Real estate development is one of the slowest to react as an

How to’ for university students crowdsourcing creative cities: In the previous entry we looked at the importance and logic of

Building a creative economy using the Long Tail: Based on the previous entry of applying the Long Tail to building

Economic development sans government?: Presently, economic development – “efforts that seek to improve the economic well-being

Digital infrastructure replacing an asphalt one: In 1956 the Federal Aid Highway Act ushered in the auto age,

Crowdsourcing a dayworking scene into a nightlife district: Adams Morgan, the preeminent natural cultural district of Washington DC, has no

Entrepreneurs, newer companies leading economic growth: What’s leading economic growth in our cities? Robert Litan, VP of Research

Does your city enhance work-life balance?: Continuing our happiness theme from the previous entry, here’s one way to

How cities can invest in cool places, and why they often don’t: Utilizing the Fifth Discipline principles of systems thinking, we bring to you

Cultural Quarters: Necessary Conditions and Success Factors checklist: Continuing our understanding of natural cultural districts, here’s Urban Cultures’ (profiled previously)

The four types of cultural quarters, progressively speaking: “It can be posited that urban cultural quarters, or even urban districts

How do you know you’re in a natural cultural district?: …that is, unlike an unnatural one where most of the buildings are

The impact of ‘natural cultural districts: Maybe you should think twice about investing millions in that fancy new

Innovation happens at the edge of chaos: In science, the ‘edge of chaos’ is the region between order and
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AZ’s university research center aims at innovation: Arizona doesn’t exactly have a reputation for placemaking, but Arizona State University

The ‘Innovate’ workplace: Where do you put your city’s most innovative companies? Well, in Greenville,

It’s the entrepreneurs, stupid! (2 of 2): Based on part one of this two-part story, identifying the uneven distribution

It’s the entrepreneurs, stupid! (1 of 2): Cities are constantly trying to get companies to move to their region,

Rural colleges going urban?: Should rural universities even think about going urban? In our customer-driven economy
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