Economic Gardening Archive

Why Buying Local is Worth Every Cent: Ever wish there was a single graphic that effectively summarized the benefits

Locavesting, crowdfunding local businesses on the rise: We’re reaching the tipping point where our investment and tax dollars are

How the triple-bottom-line will save a town’s economy: What’s happening in Bristol, Connecticut (pop. 61,000), home of ESPN, is pretty

Local economic development principles that work: You hear it all the time – small businesses are the engine

The creative industries, GDP and happiness: What does well-being have to do with the economy have to do

Prospering in ‘non-Mega-Regions’ for creatives: From a creative economy point of view, are towns, cities and even

The economy-building building: The motivating factor behind writing entries for this blog is that I

Locals have 4x economic impact over nationals: How much of a greater impact do local retailers have on nationals?

New Orleans attracting entrepreneurs in droves: New Orleans is attracting scores of entrepreneurs and small businesses, and there

The creative economy = the ‘direct economy: For the purpose of understanding the evolution of our economy and our

How the Crash Will Reshape America: According to economist Richard Florida in his recent article, the solution posited

Creative Arlington launches: Arlington County, Virginia has long been considered a creative class mecca, with

Massive retail ‘market correction’ underway: One can look at the economic downturn as a depression, or one

Signs of a shift to a more sustainable creative economy: Who would have thought we’d be seeing ads like these from Fortune

Creatives often prefer ‘projects’ over ‘jobs: Some pretty heady words, I know, but for many creatives, the last

Building a creative economy using the Long Tail: Based on the previous entry of applying the Long Tail to building

Economic development sans government?: Presently, economic development – “efforts that seek to improve the economic well-being

Louisiana’s Cultural Districts Program: Louisiana is one of the few states that has a very clear

Creative skills + cultural products = creative economy: The creative economy is often ineffectively defined by the creative skills/talent: media,

CreateHere’ a model for growing a creative economy: If you’re looking for an effective precedent in how to jumpstart the

Creatives already ahead of the financial crisis: Perhaps too many people buying homes they couldn’t afford wasn’t the problem

The Milan of the Midwest: When it comes to industrial design, Milan, Italy is a world capital,

Digital infrastructure replacing an asphalt one: In 1956 the Federal Aid Highway Act ushered in the auto age,

Entrepreneurs, newer companies leading economic growth: What’s leading economic growth in our cities? Robert Litan, VP of Research

Third place coffeehouses as economic development: I first profiled Tryst back in 2003 as a popular coffeehouse third

Third places, events and scenes oh my…: If you’re looking to establish a beta community to crowdsource a natural

How cities can invest in cool places, and why they often don’t: Utilizing the Fifth Discipline principles of systems thinking, we bring to you

A treatise on building vibrant cultural quarters: Today’s entry will be a little uncommon, but rather extraordinary as we

Cultural Quarters: Necessary Conditions and Success Factors checklist: Continuing our understanding of natural cultural districts, here’s Urban Cultures’ (profiled previously)

The four types of cultural quarters, progressively speaking: “It can be posited that urban cultural quarters, or even urban districts