Economic Gardening Archive

Do you need $$$ to translate innovation into revenue?: According to a new study of a thousand companies, The Resilience Report,

How do you breed innovators in your bohemia?: Well, it’ll take more than just pretty lights. Assuming that there indeed
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Guidelines for attracting the ‘young and the restless: Concluding this week’s review of The Young and the Restless In A

City centers a magnet for entrepreneurs: Continuing yesterday’s review of, The Young and the Restless In A Knowledge

Easing the transition from university to the ‘real world: What good is a college town if the students leave right after

Where are entrepreneurs migrating to… lately?: They’re moving to where housing prices are low and the quality of
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Contemporary public markets instead of Wal-marts?: That’s the theme of the Project for Public Spaces (PPS) Public Market

The modern businessperson – the ‘minipreneur: It’s becoming an eBay world as the heirs to the rat race

Businesses grow in cities, decline outside of it: At least that’s the conclusion of Dr. Virginia Carlson, associate professor at

Branding a city (like Chicago): How do you brand such a big city like Chicago? Smart City
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Manhattan losing its edge to neighbors?: Here’s the bad news – you can no longer afford to live

Where are the top women business builders living?: If your city needs job growth, it needs fast-growing businesses. From 1997

Forbes’ best place to work: Boise: Looking to start your business or career? Low business costs (low cost

To grow a ‘forest’, start with one ‘good tree: If you wanted to grow a forest, but had money for only

Outsourcing IT jobs to… college towns?: Sometimes being economically disadvantaged is an advantage. The conflict: More and more
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Learning the economic value of authenticity from Argentina: Argentina’s economic woes aren’t too different from struggling small towns and city
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Solution to a weak dollar?: As our trade deficit grows, the American economy becomes less stable and

Local businesses give 70% more back to you than chains: A new retail study for a Chicago neighborhood discovered that for every

The top entrepreneurial small city in the U.S. in 2003 is…: Fairfield, Iowa. Fairfield is the 2003 winner of the Grassroots Entrepreneurship Award
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“Pistons a model worth duplicating”: Houston Chronicle: Pistons a model worth duplicating Click here to learn what

Merging the “EDS” with a CoolTown: So what happens when the entrepreneurial development system (EDS) is integrated into

An “EDS” entrepreneurial community in action: There’s no better way to understand a concept than to see it

The Entrepreneurial League System: It’s all about building relationships. Building a place for creative entrepreneurial people

Entrepreneurs can learn a lot from minor league baseball: Cool towns focus on job growth through home-grown companies. Thankfully, that’s become

Is there a demand for live-work communities?: There’s a ton of buzz about places where you can live, work
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CoolTown Resource: Fast Company magazine: If you want to understand the CoolTown market from a jobs point
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Q&A: How do you attract the anchor R & D tenants?: This is a more specific question related to job creation, asking how
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Pennsylvania – Far from supporting CoolTowns (so far): This new report from the Brookings Institution, Back to Prosperity: A Competitive
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Higher density = More jobs per capita?: Sprawl may cost city jobs, reports indicate The Atlanta Journal-Constitution By Julie

In the news: Diverse leadership = jobs?: Mid-sized cities get hip to attract young professionals (USA Today cover story)
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