Entertainment & Arts Archive

Crowdsourcing a pop-up city of 60,000 in the desert: One week, it’s a vast desert revealing zero signs of any kind

Charlotte, NC builds a live music village: A transformed 1900s textile mill, Charlotte’s NC Music Factory may not be

Arts as proven economic driver in placemaking: Is investing in the arts, as it relates to placemaking, profitable? Try

Cape Town’s spectacular World Cup fan walk: So, you’re South Africa and hosting the biggest event in the world,

Crowdsourcing an urban creative center: We often ask creatives, ‘what’s missing in your city or town that

Michigan town’s artists use entire city as canvas: Creatives know art has the power to transform, but not when it’s

The geography of buzz: Can you visualize buzz? Elizabeth Currid, author of The Warhol Economy: How

Bike racks as public art increasing in popularity: We’ve had public art cows in Chicago, fish in Baltimore, pandas in

David Byrne’s artful bike racks: When artist and avid cyclist David Byrne, former lead singer for the

World’s first ‘sustainable dance clubs: September 2008 is a landmark day for anything having to do with

Evening clubs’ for weekday nightclubbing: g src=”/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/toronto-gladstonehotel.jpg” style=”padding-bottom: 8px” title=”Gladstone Hotel, Toronto, Canada” Dancing is one of

The Milan of the Midwest: When it comes to industrial design, Milan, Italy is a world capital,

All night art festivals hit the U.S.: You’ve heard about White Nights/Nuit Blanche and Long Night at the Museums

White Night’ all night art festivals sweep the world: What do Paris, Toronto, Copenhagen, Madrid, Malta, Montreal, Sao Paulo, Lima, Santa

Mixed-use, mashedup nightlife: This is an alternative for a growing number of people bored with

The ‘Permanent Breakfast’ program: In keeping with the spirit of the previous entry, The Dining Room

NY Times: ‘Dining Room Takes to the Streets: In one of the best NY Times articles ever published as it

Bicycle (powered) music festival: There are ‘green festivals’, then there’s San Francisco’s second annual Bicycle Music

How the social network influences the art scene: In the previous entry we looked at Elizabeth Currid’s The Economics of

The Economics of a Good Party: How does art and culture translate into economic value? Elizabeth Currid, author

Artomatic – DC’s art-village-in-a-building: So many emerging artists in one city – how can one possibly

Urban square spontaneous: Mass-created fountain: In this ongoing series of spontaneous creative happenings that are attracted to

Urban square spontaneous: Roman pillow fight: What’s the so called Committee for the Termination of National Apathy to

Moving streetcar nightclub: Here’s a much more conscientious alternative to the Hummer limousine (no, not

The best city-wide creative social events are sourced by individuals: You may think the most popular, buzz-inducing events that creatives flock to

Austin looks to keep their ‘Live Music Capital of the World’ reputation: How important is live music to the city of Austin? How many

Austin music event brings in $95 million: We all know how important music and events are to local culture,

Pecha Kucha Night – ‘Speed art & chit chat’ for creatives: In 2003, two employees of Klein-Dytham Architecture (KDa) in Tokyo felt there