Reader experience: A third place supermarket

Thanks to Annie Lux at UNC in response to yesterday’s blog on our ongoing reader request for cool places, here’s a look at how to turn a supermarket into a third place:
“I did a “what’s cool in Carrboro, NC” project for an environmental design/behavior class. The winner was a food co-op/take-out restaurant called Weaver Street Market and is one of the most amazing community gathering places I’ve seen. It’s got a huge lawn, fountain, plenty of outdoor seating and free town-provided wireless internet (a cool town MUST for creative workers). They also have live music on the lawn on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings. It’s a true public space, on private property.” Annie Forbes Lux, Masters Candidate 2006, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Check out what makes co-ops like Weaver Street Market great for the local community here.