Third Places Archive

More third places – coffee shops: Third places are easy to remember and return to, but very difficult

It’s the people AND the place, stupid!: Just in case anyone might be offended, that’s a take off of
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The Spanish Square in Rome: This is one of my favorite third places in Rome, the Piazza
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Creative nightlife in Venice: I can see why hundreds of neighboring residents stream into historic Venice

CoolTown piazza 3: The pub: Essential #3 – The things a CoolTown piazza can’t be without: The
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CoolTown piazza 2: The cafe: Seinfeld fans can relate to this one… Essential #2 – The things
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CoolTown piazza 1: The coffeehouse: This week I’ll take a look at what the ideal shops, restaurants,
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Investing in third places: Progressive investors are hard at work to provide next generation communities where
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Does your local third place have its own CD?: You would if you’re the Third Place Coffeehouse in Raleigh, North Carolina.
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The third place and the communal table: What’s the equivalent of the piazza in Italy when it comes to
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Celebrating the third place: There’s no better way to communicate the concept of the third place
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The third place: The first place is your home. The second place is your workplace.
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Investing in cool places to eat: So what kind of restaurants will the ultimate CoolTown have? That’s like

Where ‘Friends’ meet for coffee: Where ‘Friends’ meet for coffee Forget Central Perk, the sofa-laden coffee house

The Dairy Godmother is a cool ‘third place: The most important task in building cooltowns is finding the passionate, visionary
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