Market Development Archive

Give me informality or give me death: Nation’s Building News: Vanilla Not a Favorite Flavor of Generation X Home
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“Vanilla Not a Flavor of Gen Xers”: Nation’s Building News: Vanilla Not a Favorite Flavor of Generation X Home
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CNN: Unfashionable cities trying to create cool: CNN: Unfashionable cities trying to create cool CNN July 14, 2004 home

Do women support CoolTowns?: Yes, as this blog has aluded to here and here, referring to
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Poll: Which food venue is missing in your neighborhood?: We all have our favorite eating establishment, the place where we depend

Up-ending the real estate industry – really!: The reason why over 90% of new homes are built as sprawl

Great live/work neighborhoods are about choice: What time shall I wake up for work tomorrow? Shall I walk

Even Baby Boomers seek CoolTowns: BOBOs (bourgeois bohemian boomers) and Nexers (empty nester boomers) are as keen

Why is small so cool?: McMansions are out. Small is in. Smaller homes. Smaller schools. Small towns.
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Why creatives detest suburbia: Conventional developer: “We look at what’s been financially successful and replicate it.

Cool isn’t necessarily about being ugly: That seems to be the myth. The ‘coolest places’, especially to the
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Q&A: How do you build for younger audiences when the boomers are in charge?: I’m in Utah this week visiting small towns that may by interested

What do women really want in their neighborhoods?: Article in San Francisco Chronicle By Richard Paoli, November 16, 2003 The
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Investing in the Gen X Town: How do you do it without busting the Gen X piggy bank?
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Designing the Gen X urban village: Affordability: Design smaller-sized 4-6 story unfinished loft-style units (like these here by
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What is Gen X looking for in a home?: Something less than $150,000 in the inner city or near an outer
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What is Gen X looking for in a town?: It should be clear from yesterday’s blog: Jobs, affordability, entertainment. Jobs, affordability,
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Where is Gen X moving to?: Well, since most Gen Xers are single/divorced (over 70%), they sure aren’t
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Sex and the City: It’s not called Sex and the Suburbs for a reason. The popular
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Only in New York City: Where else can you have a #1 show about nothing? Where else
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The CoolTown movie test: A few days ago I was listening to a traveling sports announcer
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Why Apple fits into CoolTowns: Apple introduced videoconferencing for the masses yesterday which will help connect entrepreneurs
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What do the most culturally creative Gen Yers want in a town?: As I mentioned regarding last week’s event, I surveyed the early adopters,
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Special Report: Hanging with the future: I was fortunate to host a focus group of about 20-30 University
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