Market Development Archive

Do women prefer walkable communities?: Based on this National Geographic map outlining concentrations of single women and

Cities Compete in Hipness Battle to Attract Young: Why are cities so focused on attracting and retaining 25-34 year olds?

Cities with the best value: We profiled Bohemian Bargains recently to give you an idea of what

Transumerism: freedom-oriented, boredom fighting quality of life: Nomads move from city to city, but what about those who still

Business Week: ‘IDEO’s Urban Pre-Planning: The story behind the BusinessWeek article, IDEO’s Urban Pre-Planning, is already creating
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Crowdsourcing a trend into a community: Based on this chart spanning the last 15 years, the increasing %
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Study: Attracting young adults to your city: Continuing a look at the study (profiled in the previous entry) that
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64% of young adults choose place over job: How important is it for cities to invest in their quality of
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To buy or rent? To invest in condominiums or apartments?: The buzz is that the condo market is slowing down. Thus, the
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When the American Dream goes from an 1100 s.f. home to 500 s.f…: Sound crazy? Not when you’re Ms. Birch and Mr. McGrath – in

Thanks to ‘infolust’, no more ‘dumb’ buildings: Take note – these are the trends that are shaping our current
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How much are women influencing the future of our neighborhoods?: More and more every year as evolving demographics show, with positive results…

Top cities for the ‘young and restless: Continuing this week’s review of The Young and the Restless In A

Using virtual anthropology to build better places: How do you best understand your customer? We looked at ethnography (being

Been there, done that’ doesn’t always fly: Ever walk into a neighborhood that people rave about, then wonder what

What? Single households now outnumber families: Yep, Stouffer’s will be selling a lot more of these. The census
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Introducing ‘Generation C’ – CoolTown-ready: I often have difficulty formally identifying the market for CoolTowns, mainly because
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Collaborative filtering’ for towns: Collaborative filtering: the method of making automatic predictions about the interests of
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Married with kids’ only 10% of net growth: Singles living alone, together or with kids; and married couples without children

What urban type are you?: Here’s an abridged quiz to ‘discover your true urban style’, found on

How authentic is your town?: Based on yesterday’s blog on the prominence of authenticity, how is this

The evolution to authenticity: The best-selling, award-winning books, The Experience Economy and Mass Customization (this site

More hot trends for 2005: In continuation of yesterday’s blog and Entrepreneur Magazine’s Hot Trends for 2005,
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Hot trends for 2005?: Entrepreneur Magazine released their Hot Trends for 2005, reflecting an ever evolving
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CoolTowns – urban biodiversity?: If you ever wanted a concise read on how biodiversity relates to
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Oh what place-making wonders await us when we get the truth: The real question is, if there are so many people in the
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So many cool public places… overseas?: First of all, the cool public piazzas, paseos and courtyards in other
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