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Employment districts for a knowledge economy: What does the new workplace neighborhood look like as we shift from

Form-based planning ‘OS’ key to knowledge economy: No graph better explains the evolution of the economy and placemaking better

Pedestrian-only/car-free trends toward the crowd in Fall 2010: The demand for pedestrian-only places is increasingly being met. A few of

Another restaurant’s crowdsourcing takes off: While a restaurant concept initiated in 2007, now known as Elements, is

How transit-oriented development can be triple bottom line: First of all, this post is not against light-rail transit-oriented development, but

How the triple-bottom-line will save a town’s economy: What’s happening in Bristol, Connecticut (pop. 61,000), home of ESPN, is pretty

Car sharing to set compelling new standards: Most every major city has car sharing, but it’s currently not like

Local economic development principles that work: You hear it all the time – small businesses are the engine

Austin’s “The Triangle” sets standard for town center retail: The vast majority of large-scale mixed-use development projects in the past have

Bristol, Connecticut first to crowdsource large-scale place: What better to talk about on a site that’s committed to crowdsourced

Employees moving to downtowns by the thousands: That’s literally the case when it comes to Detroit. Let me say

Pedestrian-oriented, car free update Fall 2010: What are the latest signs of a growing market for developing neighborhoods

Ten principles for infill in natural cultural districts: What’s the key to revitalizing a downtown and/or neighborhood via urban development?

Main street retail’s future: Editors, hospitality, community: Since local independent retailers don’t have the financial capacity of their national/international

Top reasons why no car-free hoods in the U.S. 2010… yet: It’s a simple idea and the demand is certainly there, but why
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Developers favoring walkable over car-oriented 3 to 1: We know the demand for walkable communities is there, but what about

Walking health benefits – illustrated: In case any public or private institution asks just what’s so great

Small Cool Apartment 2010′ winners: Moving into smaller homes hasn’t only become a financial necessity, it’s fast

Businesses come to love Copenhagen’s people-only streets: Businesses drive much of the economy in the U.S., and as a

Economic development gets sustainable: Economic development was defined in the industrial age as the increase in

Crowdsourcing a healthy town in the UK: How you set a healthy standard for an entire town? How about

Crowdsource Placemaking Lab opens: This is a site for defining, talking about and providing examples of

Pop-up bicycle coffee stand: Now that you’ve now been introduced to Bicycle City, when it comes

City leaders, looking for revenue? Go urban!: Or at least go two to three stories. What more precisely is

Car-free community proposed in South Carolina: If you’re passionate about walking, biking and living outside of the city,

Developer announces crowdsourced placemaking program: One would be hard pressed to find any real estate development firms

London’s new highway system… for bikes: Looks like your typical highway map doesn’t it? Except this isn’t for
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Biking moving into the U.S. mainstream: You know what it was like with commuting by bike in the

SF’s ‘parklets’ trade parking for people: If all continues to go well, San Francisco’s business and resident groups

Next up for Better Block in TX: A plaza: It just keeps getting better in Oak Cliff, Texas for its Better