Author Archive

Locavesting, crowdfunding local businesses on the rise: We’re reaching the tipping point where our investment and tax dollars are

Big Head’ and ‘Long Tail’ both key to placemaking: As we’re witnessing in communities from the Middle East to Wall Street,

The crowdsourced placemaking grant list: Demand sparks supply, so let’s get a list of cities that want

Pop-up placemaking and next gen urban neighborhoods: ‘Popups’ are short-term experiences that provide the freedom to experiment with projects

Revitalizing a struggling downtown: Crowdsource it… or not: With the Village of Hempstead, Long Island, New York, when a development

What is triple-bottom-line real estate development?: Many of us know that the triple bottom line means “people, planet

New “Crowdsourcing for Idiots” book features town: There’s a plethora of books on crowdsourcing out there, but only one

Creating nature with an urban village in Seattle: This is apparently Seattle’s first transit-oriented development (TOD). If it gets better

Universities finally building urban villages… on campus: Most students at university campuses either don’t need to drive, don’t need

Gems of innovation in Fast Cities 2011: Each year Fast Company magazine introduces their pick for Fast Cities City

Crowdsourcing a ‘Better Block’ in Memphis: Inspired by the Better Block Program in Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas that

Bristol crowdsources piazza into downtown plan: People often ask, “How does crowdsourced placemaking work in the real world?”

When coworking meets serious (and fun) economic development: When a 20,000 s.f. coworking space receives a $200,000 grant from New

Sizing down next gen urban grocery stores 2011: We know cities are cool again, and as a result supermarkets now

How should local and national retailers mix?: It’s one of the most commonly asked questions regarding downtowns, “What should

Defining a ‘piazza’, and why it’s not a ‘plaza: Why is it even important? The words plaza, place and piazza have

What emerging generations really want: A piazza: As the 1600+ entries in this blog provide evidence for, emerging generations

“Daytime nightclub” for foodies: Modern food halls: When you hear the term “food court”, most of us automatically think,

Citysumers’ define powerful new urban trend: Our longtime resource at recognizes the rising trend of urban cultural

“Active Design” prioritizes health in designing cities: Because of its sheer density, it’s not surprising New York City is

“My ideals have come home” – one person’s account of what crowdsourced placemaking is all about: For those that are interested in learning what crowdsourced placemaking is all

The state of crowdsourced placemaking winter ’11: Being that there really is no other resource on crowdsourced placemaking, here’s

Arts as proven economic driver in placemaking: Is investing in the arts, as it relates to placemaking, profitable? Try

Cities look to crowdsource change in their ‘hoods: When it comes to crowdsourcing, there’s not much compelling about the Give

The spectacular waterfront that almost wasn’t: South Africa certainly has a history of overcoming adversity, and redeveloping its

Blending online and face-to-face crowdsourcing: With the crowdsourcing of an entire downtown’s revitalization in Bristol, Connecticut, it’s

Crowdsourcing, “Carrotmobs” and Local Business: There aren’t too many times you’re going to hear crowdsourced placemaking discussed

First ever city-wide crowdsourced placemaking community: That would be Bristol, Connecticut, population 61,000. In the summer of 2010,

Crowdsourced placemaking FAQ: Crowdsourced placemaking is a fun, exciting way people can help shape the

For Gen Y, it’s not about the dream home, but the dream ‘hood: With the Gen Y generation, the largest demographic in U.S. history with