Monthly Archive:: March 2006

How to develop an indie retail center without going upscale?: So how does one develop a new independent-business retail center as an
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Why building a CoolTown retail center isn’t easy… yet: …and that’s defined as a retail-entertainment destination town center of innovative, local,
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The best theater in America?: When your theater has its own fan site, you know you’re cool.
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Looking for a model downtown music festival?: Check out Austin’s South by Southwest, better known as SXSW. Is it
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Best place to live if gas goes to $10/gallon?: New York City, according to SustainLane, a nonprofit website for healthy and

And the winner for best ‘third place’ for teens is…: Manboo in Japan. Maybe. Think of it as a social hangout/cafe/living room/gaming

From brownfield to community: Yesterday’s entry profiled how a subdivision was practically transformed into a small

When 2250 homes replace 64…: Environmentalists value land preservation. Commuters hate traffic. Home buyers can’t afford single-family

Make way for the retail condo: We know about the residential condo craze, but do you know about

Why an entrepreneur has a hard time watching TV…: …and why third places are crucial to job growth. First, a brief

So what kind of ‘loft’ is it really?: Everything and anything remotely resembling a residential loft is being marketed as

…and at $112/mo., it’s not hard out here for a writer: Seems like writers have it good in Manhattan as far as workplaces

Workplace for $133/month in Tribeca, NY?!: Yep, it’s true, but only if you’re a writer and you know

What’s the neighborhood downtown version of the TV guide?: For the MidCity, Washington DC neighborhoods, it’s, an updated version of

Can cities prosper ‘slowly’ in a fast world?: First of all, what would a slow city be? Primarily, it’s one
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Is your city ready for the ‘matriarch economy’?: 10 million firms (48% of all privately-held firms) have 50% or more
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Ultra-affordable urban green housing?: It’s a brand new building. It’s in the heart of San Francisco.
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What is the mother of all art events?: That’s easy – Art Basel in Switzerland and Miami Beach are the
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What’s a successful monthly downtown event?: While the last entry listed a series of neighborhood downtown events, the
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Any good ideas for neighborhood downtown events?: Just as a theater doesn’t come to life unless it has a
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How can Times Square make room for its crowded pedestrians?: Manhattan has a definite problem with running out of space for its

How much are women influencing the future of our neighborhoods?: More and more every year as evolving demographics show, with positive results…