When 2250 homes replace 64…

Environmentalists value land preservation. Commuters hate traffic. Home buyers can’t afford single-family homes. There aren’t many inspiring, pedestrian-friendly places to shop, dine and be entertained. Well, Pulte Homes just made a lot of those people happy with MetroWest in Vienna, Virginia.
64 single-family home owners on 60 acres sold their homes at a hefty profit so that Pulte could build 2250 homes, plus 300,000 s.f. of office and 100,000 s.f. of retail (a good sized main street) right up to a major Metro station (top of plan.) At the density of development it replaced, that saves several thousand acres of farmland or wilderness. The density also reduces peak-hour car trips by 47% and 25% for the residences and office respectively, per capita of course. That also means 2250 multi-family homes that are a lot more attainable than their one-acre predecessors. Finally, it also means a town center, a public square and lots of parks to spend time at on the weekday nights and weekends.
Not only that, but it helps set a precedent for other neighborhoods with the same situation, especially when many of the area’s government, nonprofit, business and community leaders are so supportive of it.
http://massengale.typepad.com/venustas/2004/09/a_sense_of_well.html john