Monthly Archive:: October 2005

City living healthier than in the suburbs?: Yes, according to a report on public health as it relates to

Graphically speaking, how affordable are city centers?: How affordable are central cities? In a quarterly newsletter by Reconnecting America’s

…and the flipside to Richard Florida…: The last two days focused on Richard Florida, so let’s look at

15 hot cities for creative types: Yesterday I re-introduced Richard Florida, and as promised, here’s his most current

A re-introduction to Richard Florida and the creative class: You may notice the term ‘creative class‘ pop up here and there,

Philadelphia’s downtown boom: How dramatic is the excitement of moving to Philly’s downtown? The area

Measuring the economic benefits of arts on a community: Why should a city invest in the arts? While artists have no
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When affordable art meets affordable nightlife…: So you’re young and can’t afford gallery art just yet. Or you’re
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The physics of relationships… in cooltowns: I’m delving into sensitive material here, but since the heart of community

Where are entrepreneurs migrating to… lately?: They’re moving to where housing prices are low and the quality of
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Portland’s ‘weird economy: As one reporter states, Portland, OR has a weird economy. Portland proper’s

Economic evidence that creativity spurs growth: Artscape, a nonprofit in Toronto, Canada that develops both physical and virtual

Roanoke plans for an extraordinary pedestrian street: The timing is right for pedestrian streets. While just a vision for

How to do a local blog for the creative class: Who are the hot new artists, bands, and merchants in the city?

Vancouver thrives by dispelling planning myths: Vancouver is often labeled as one of the most livable cities in

Bringing the ‘experience’ to downtown shoppers: Downtown independent retailers don’t have the financial muscle or exposure of the
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Free wi-fi for all of San Francisco, courtesy of…: …Google. That’s the offer Google is providing the City of San Francisco,

Going out in pursuit of some trivial fun…: Connect Four, Trivial Pursuit, Backgammon… the games you played as a kid…