Roanoke plans for an extraordinary pedestrian street

The timing is right for pedestrian streets. While just a vision for now, this could become a built reality if Roanoke, Virginia’s leaders have their way…
“It’s stunningly cool,” said Ford Kemper, a lawyer and board member of Downtown Roanoke Inc., a tax-supported entity that oversees the city’s historic center.
Regarding the proposals… “They’re right on. They’re revolutionary, they’re bright, they’re fresh… They could completely change the face of our downtown,” said Downtown Roanoke Inc. Market Manager Hope Hollingsworth.
What is it? It’s a truly pedestrian experience that emphasizes people and the restaurants and stores on it, planned by DPZ & Company, often mentioned on this website. Some of the features:
- Outside balconies on buildings, like in New Orleans, to bring people to the street on more than just the ground level.
- Moving the farmers market stalls outside to the center of the street rather than inside buildings.
- Moving the existing enclosed food court restaurants to face their seating outside.
- Adding a movie theater to draw temporary crowds to the street, and downtown housing to draw permanent crowds.
You can read the news article here, and see images here.