Monthly Archive:: March 2005

What makes a good city planning code for natural cultural districts?: As explained in the previous blog, today’s modern, progressive, people-oriented city planning
So what does a legislated city plan look like?: The results of the planning process described in the previous blog below
The making of a great neighborhood plan: So how did the City of South Miami’s Hometown Plan that led
Legalizing CoolTowns begins with the City: As you know, most of what has been built in the last
South Miami’s inspiring “100% Models” idea: The CoolTown approach to bringing economic and social vitality to an area
The return of theaters (and people) to downtowns: While there’s a movement afoot to preserve the 300-400 historic theaters that
Why can’t urbanites afford to live in their neighborhood of choice?: It’s simple supply and demand – the more desirable a neighborhood becomes,
How authentic is your town?: Based on yesterday’s blog on the prominence of authenticity, how is this
The evolution to authenticity: The best-selling, award-winning books, The Experience Economy and Mass Customization (this site
To grow a ‘forest’, start with one ‘good tree: If you wanted to grow a forest, but had money for only
The Irish pub – the official third place of Ireland (and more): Happy St. Patrick’s Day. In Ireland, three quarters of all alcohol is
Wi-Fi helping create a sense of place?: With wireless internet, traditionalists feared that ‘place’ wouldn’t matter anymore. Indeed, it’s
Since when is grocery shopping entertaining?: …since the service economy began evolving into the experience economy, and as
On “The View” – The 5 hottest areas in the nation: ABC’s The View featured the top five up-and-coming areas in the country,
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A strong brand identity helps prevent brain damage: The merchants that make up thriving arts & entertainment/nightlife districts should get
Reader experience: A third place street: Youngbin Park at Cornell University provides this response to Monday’s blog on
Reader experience: A third place supermarket: Thanks to Annie Lux at UNC in response to yesterday’s blog on
Call for CoolTown innovations…: A little over a year and a half ago I explained in
Reader experience: What’s cool in Paris?: There are way too many cool places (here and overseas) that shouldn’t
“Open DJ” night drawing crowds…: Ever feel so good about a song or two that you wished
Outsourcing IT jobs to… college towns?: Sometimes being economically disadvantaged is an advantage. The conflict: More and more
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More hot trends for 2005: In continuation of yesterday’s blog and Entrepreneur Magazine’s Hot Trends for 2005,
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