Workplaces Archive

The workplace alcove: The workplace alcove is becoming more of a standard feature in new
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A neighborhood designed for work: In today’s evolving workplace of mobile workers, work-at-home entrepreneurs and employees, and

When your significant other is ‘Work: For millions, the single, career-driven life is the way to go. Maybe

Contemporary workplaces in downtown St. Louis: While downtown St. Louis enjoys a residential renaissance, taking advantage of commercial
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The modern office park?: The people in the image are the employees of a company in
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First two CoolTown tour stops: Cambridge MA and Madison WI: Next week CoolTown Studios tour will be documenting Cambridge, MA, and how
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The CoolTown satellite office: What is a satellite office? One definition: A type of telecommute using
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When should company employees work at home?: More and more government and company employees are working at home or
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CoolTowns are about informal learning: Formal learning learning as defined by a Dept. of Labor study, is

Business networking CoolTown style: The Department of Labor released a study stating that 70% of what

“How do we implement the future of work?”: This is the second of two key questions asked at the First
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“What does the future of work look like?”: This is the first of two key questions asked at the First
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Live-work from an artist’s point of view: With all the buzz about how creativity is vitalizing economies, it’s imperative

From a live-work unit owner herself: I asked Diane Dorney, who owns a new live-work unit in the
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Live-work unit models: So what do the urban loft and storefront townhouse actually like? How
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The rise of live-work units: Where there’s a rising demand in live-work, there’s the spark of a
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Investing in the large-scale workplace: While much of the focus in CoolTowns is in providing workplaces for

10,000 happier employees: BellSouth, one of Atlanta’s largest employers, is building three workplaces for 10,000
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The distributed, decentralized workplace: How’s this sound if you have a current 9-5 job: Monday: –
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The future workplace: A national workforce survey this month reveals a desire for the evolution
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The New American Dream: Here’s one such trendsetter who’s living that what-rush-hour? New American dream standard,

The workplace as living room: Feel like your office has as much character as the dentist office?
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