Retail Venue Development Archive

San Diego’s triple-bottom-line third place redefines ‘restaurant: If you’re looking for a benchmark restaurant that represents most everything that
How local indies can compete with national chains: A primary reason why an overwhelming majority of new retail district developments
Profile of a future VIBE: To refresh your memory, a VIBE is a variegated independent business entrepreneur,
Grocery stores for ‘locavores: Locavore is the Oxford Dictionary Word of the Year – a local
When you can’t get enough outdoor dining: Especially for cities with great weather all year round, restaurants often find
It doesn’t get more authentic than New Orleans: You hear the crazy post-Katrina talk about people who say New Orleans
One of the only authentic trendy stores you’ll find: First of all, authentic trendiness is practically an oxymoron, which is why
The guides to creative destinations: You’re visiting a major city (or living in one) and are not
An alternative story to opening an alternative restaurant: You dream of opening your own restaurant or bar that you feel
Oh thank heaven, it’s not 7-11: Have you walked through 7-11 looking for something to eat and just
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Paris being remixed for the next generation: In continuing last week’s entries on redefining streets the way we’re redefining
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Time for indie tenants to meet real estate investors halfway: While it’s time for real estate investment to catch up to the
Portland Public Market – design isn’t enough: In the heyday of cities, indoor public markets were as popular in
Triple bottom line retail: Cool towns are all about local indie businesses, and that’s why it’s
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Reader log: Having the market come to you instead: We’re all familiar with the public market as either a large regional
The grocery store every downtown wants: Why is there such a frenzy to score a Trader Joe’s in
The first VIBE beta community meets in DC: Last night, 14 people – Lisa, Angela, Christian, Mike, Sarah, Joey, Justin,
A contemporary take on coffeehouse design: In contrast to the grungy, bohemian, shabby chic warehouse coffeehouse/bar/restaurant/art gallery warehouse
Transcending the national retail chains with ‘VIBE’s: Here’s the catch 22 – the most culturally, economically rich cities and
Art gallery 2.0: Art galleries will always have their place in the city, but to
Brand spaces’ create an experience: Continuing yesterday’s theme… We know that the third place is a general
So you want a co-op supermarket downtown…: Good neighborhood supermarkets are hard to come by. Trader Joe’s and Whole
What is a local, independent business, really…: Is there a standard definition of what a local, independent business is?
Every great neighborhood needs a truly authentic pizzeria: Not surprisingly, one can find a pizzeria every few blocks in Italy.
How local, independents retailers can compete – part 2: In continuation of the last entry on retail trends that will influence
How local, independents retailers can compete: Creative urbanites prefer unique, local, independent retailers to the Ruby Tuesdays and
Theaters of the future?: Would you believe that theaters in the 1940s sold 4 billion tickets
And the winner for best ‘third place’ for teens is…: Manboo in Japan. Maybe. Think of it as a social hangout/cafe/living room/gaming
Make way for the retail condo: We know about the residential condo craze, but do you know about
This is a shoe store?!: I’ve covered live band karaoke at the workplace and dancing at an