Mobility Archive

Give me walkable or give me death: Those people who think they’re more likely to die from sharks than

The most beautiful train stations in the world?: There is probably no greater diversity or activity over a given time

Your uh, bus is here? Making mass transit cool: That’s the thing about mass transit isn’t it? It’s extremely practical and
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The rising demand and development of ‘TOD’s: Since transit-oriented development (TOD) sites are the most logical for initial investment

Car sharing’s popularity continues to rise: Ok, so maybe this image of a pedestrian-only street, sleek streetcar and

If there was such a thing as a pedestrian-friendly car…: …the Smart car would be it, and as of yesterday, it’s officially

In the UK, new car-free developments a fast-growing trend: London’s Telegraph article, The fond farewells to four wheels, says it all
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Mass personalized transit – the ‘city car: What happens when you cross car sharing with a shopping cart? The

Transit-oriented development is in: I’ve mentioned transit-oriented development (TOD) a few times, and felt it deserved
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World car-free day is…. uh, was yesterday (Thursday): g src=”/images/carfreeday.jpg” alt=”Car Free Day” > There’s even a website dedicated to

A year in the life of a family gone ‘carless: Understanding the target market is imperative to building places that they would

How to create places for pedestrians…: Ever notice that taking pictures of streetlife without having cars in the

Why the renewed popularity in the small car?: The MINI Cooper is one of the biggest automotive success stories in
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Car sharing – anywhere you want it: The conflict – car sharing isn’t available in every city, much less

Transit Mini: Here’s another example of the growing trend towards more personalized mass transit

BRT: Boldly going where no car or train has gone before: The mass customization economy has recently produced a new vehicle that travels

Streetcar revival: While the next generation of mass customized, personalized mass transit won’t arrive

Personalized mass transit?: Transportation really hasn’t changed much in the last 100 years – we

See your home near transit rise in value…: A study shows that demand for compact housing near transit is likely
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Madison’s leaders help set the standard: In continuing yesterday’s experience with Madison’s fervent belief that the car takes

A cool site for getting to work: A cool site for getting to work A fundamental principle of CoolTowns

Virginia takes lead in car sharing: What would a car sharing program in a CoolTown be like? For

More pedestrians, less cars: More pedestrians, less cars A spontaneous crowd of pedestrians often generates excitement.

“If you live in a city, you don’t need to own a car.”: “If you live in a city, you don’t need to own a

In the news: Carless lifestyles are ‘in: The Washington Post is having quite the CoolTown run lately… Out of
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What are CoolTown-oriented shoes?: What’s a typical week in a health-oriented town?There really is such a

Yes, CoolTown transportation is very affordable: Since the price of shoes today is typically over $100, maybe not
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Cool mobility: The 5-minute rule: The average person avoids waiting more than 5 minutes for transit. That’s
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Cool mobility: Convertible skates: I usually walk or take the subway (Metro), but for those trips
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