Mass Customization Archive

How to truly understand what the market really wants: Zooming: Taking a page from Freaky Friday, the only way one can completely

What? Only 20% of the market follow through?: The industry average says only 20% of potential home buyers who put

Myth: The market doesn’t really know what they want: There’s probably no more over-used philosophy in product development. You’d think this

Q&A: Shouldn’t people come before buildings?: As a civic/community-building practitioner, I often observe a disconnect in how communities
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Make your own rules: When you have an abundance of local culture, you start breaking mass-traditions
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Have it your way – your home and neighborhood that is: The business system by the economy will evolve where we will see
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A cool town is truly people-driven: What makes a CoolTown unique is that the people who will actually
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