Housing & Lofts Archive

What is the coming demand for walkable communities?: 30-55%. That’s the projected demand by 2010 for denser, more walkable neighborhoods
Beware the national housing survey!: Here’s another reason why new communities are often so undesirable: opportunistic surveys
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Live-above’ live-work units for the rest of us: Wouldn’t it be great to live above your own business, just like
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Niagara-on-the-Lake’s Not So Big Homes: Last week the blog illustrated the virtues of the Not So Big
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Better than Bigger: Personalization: OK, so the images are a bit Martha Stewartish, but one of
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Urban ‘Not So Big: Now here’s an example that takes full advantage of Not So Big
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Applying ‘Not So Big’ to CoolTown homes: By the way, in reference to yesterday’s blog, here’s Sarah’s link to
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Cool is ‘Not So Big: A few years ago while running the National Town Builders Association (NTBA),
Live-work from an artist’s point of view: With all the buzz about how creativity is vitalizing economies, it’s imperative
Why are lofts so popular?: It’s partially a combination of the experience economy (below) and the Not