Entertainment & Arts Archive

Crashed Ice’ brings cultural identity to northern cities: Cities love having an event followed by the sentence, “Only in ____”,
Establishing a music scene 101: Every district wants a music scene, but not every district has one.
A treatise on building vibrant cultural quarters: Today’s entry will be a little uncommon, but rather extraordinary as we
Cultural Quarters: Necessary Conditions and Success Factors checklist: Continuing our understanding of natural cultural districts, here’s Urban Cultures’ (profiled previously)
The four types of cultural quarters, progressively speaking: “It can be posited that urban cultural quarters, or even urban districts
How do you know you’re in a natural cultural district?: …that is, unlike an unnatural one where most of the buildings are
The impact of ‘natural cultural districts: Maybe you should think twice about investing millions in that fancy new
Music scenes a sign of economic rise: What does a thriving music scene have to do with a city’s
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Live art’ among living streets: As profiled in the previous entry, Buenos Aires’ bohemian neighborhood of San
The mother of Sunday street closings: Six days of the week this street (Defensa) in the bohemian neighborhood
The outdoor cinemas of Greece: What happens when you combine great weather with a return to inner
Ani DiFranco and her church-turned-concert hall: Recording artist Ani DiFranco wanted to energize the downtown of her hometown
Lessons on how to spark an indie rock scene: Rule #1. It has little to do with intentionally creating a music
Celebrating the microbreweries: In continuing our previous story on the authentic value of microbreweries, thanks
Beer – Going local: You can’t really have a true third place for the creative class
The preeminent event for art and technology: “This (Hatchfest) (profiled yesterday) looks really cool! But for us who don’t
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Film, music, writing, fine arts, fashion, photography, architecture, design…: …are some pretty desirable talents in establishing both a cultural and economic
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Vienna, Austria – The origin of ‘coffee culture: No, coffee culture did not originate from that corporate chain based in
Torpedo factory turned artist community: ‘Make art not war’ is the literal theme at the Torpedo Factory
A national model for arts as economic development: How do you attract artists into a neighborhood/district, then keep them from
The Rock & Roll Hotel: How does one combine history with contemporary culture while revitalizing a financially
An ongoing list of programs protecting creatives from gentrification…: We know more than enough stories of creatives being priced out of
America’s Best Places for Artists: We all pretty much know that wherever the artists go, the risk-averse
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Living room theaters – you knew it was coming: You have to admit you saw this was inevitable, it was just
Do you live in an ‘Urbane Oasis’ or ‘McCulture Desert’ when it comes to food?: Some people say I could talk about food all day long, but
Art gallery 2.0: Art galleries will always have their place in the city, but to
Signs of Pittsburgh’s creative renaissance – zombies: Happy halloween… Pittsburgh has had a tough transition from its prosperous industrial
A slice of creative class nightlife: We know there are studies (Competing in the Age of Talent) that
How artists can more formally help vitalize cities: We know there are studies that relate artists to economic impact, attracting
ZeroOne – Where art and technology create compelling experiences: The TV set. Computer. Cell phone. Movie theater. These are technologies that
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