Community Building Archive

You know there’s a strong sense of community when…: …the walls at the neighborhood supermarket are plastered with personal classified ads
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Blank slate for a CoolTown beta community in Detroit: Some people in Detroit got tired of seeing more strip malls, subdivisions
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Want to grow your local businesses? Print your own money: Want to build a stronger sense of community? Print your own money.
Why does Athens have such a strong sense of community?: The business manager of Athens Weekly News, a popular local political paper,
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Seeding a beta community: Last night at a presentation by renowned town planner Andres Duany for
The beta community: We are evolving into a customer-driven economy, where customers are so well-informed
CoolTowns good for marriages?: 50% of marriages end in divorce. Why so high? Well, first of
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Q&A: Shouldn’t people come before buildings?: As a civic/community-building practitioner, I often observe a disconnect in how communities
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Introducing CoolTown Q&A: Here’s a new CoolTown blog feature: As CoolTown Network members were sending
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Connecting a virtual world to the physical: The benefits of building community virtually (via the internet) are often seriously
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Building community – virtually: There’s an old argument that the internet is isolating people. However, if
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Special Report: Update on Office Community: Affinity Lab happy hour: As promised, here’s an update on my workplace’s
Investing in Community: For regular blog viewers, you may notice that I end the weekly
Communities vs. cliques: Community: A group of people living in the same locality; a group
Community in the office: Actually, the verdict isn’t in yet, but the way I’m hoping to
Do you know your neighbors?: There are seventy or so people who live in my building (image
Where is that elusive sense of community?: It’s something many of us secretly ask ourselves, and there’s even a
I want diversity in my town! How?: At least that’s what the cultural creatives, the early adopters and today’s
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