Beta Communities Archive

The challenge: Collaborative CoolTown support groups: So, how does one get the CoolTown-oriented support groups of future tenants,
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The need for CoolTown support groups: Support groups are built on trust and are the basis for a
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Building relationships for a CoolTown: A common phrase in commerce is that business is all about relationships.
Cool towns + ‘hollywood model’ = CoolTown Studios: CoolTown Studios and the content on this daily blog represent the growing
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Learning from Hollywood’s movie studios: In a matter of a year or two, a handful of visionaries
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So what is a ‘cooltown’, really?: Here’s one dictionary definition: Cool – (informal) very good. Now, in no
Phase II: Building the Physical Community: Continuing this week’s focus on the CoolTown Program… Phase II: Building the
Phase I: Building the Human Community: Continuing this week’s focus on the CoolTown Program… OK, we’re committed to
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The CoolTown Program: A great vision doesn’t really matter if it can’t be implemented. Implementation