Monthly Archive:: May 2010

Start-up coworking with a social mission: First there was coworking without a space, aka coffeehouses with wi-fi. Then

Creative village in Orlando?: What do you do with an abandoned city-owned 68-acre parking lot and

TEDx transcript on crowdsourced placemaking: While they put together the videos for the TEDx in Washington DC

Public market and plaza coming to San Jose: When people are asked what’s missing in their downtown, you’ll often hear

Streetcars coming to 22 cities in next 2 years?: One indication that people are becoming increasingly more interested in getting around

GOOD’s neighborhood guide for 2010: GOOD Magazine went all out in their 2010 Neighborhoods Issue with well

Purpose-driven collaborative crowdsourcing: Crowdsourcing often gets negatively associated with competitive websites that utilize a crowd