Monthly Archive:: March 2010

How Lafayette, Louisiana is attracting creatives: With a population over 100,000 and a greater population of half a

In progress: Creative coworking space: Today’s ‘Crowdsourced placemaking in progress’: Creative coworking space is brought to you

The creative industries, GDP and happiness: What does well-being have to do with the economy have to do

Creatives’ as change agents, FAQ: Since the vision of this site is ‘crowdsourcing places for creatives’, it

World’s first super light electric folding bike: Given the shift to more pedestrian-oriented built environments, what kind of transportation

The urban ‘moving bike: Onno Sminia and Louis Pierre Geerinckx represent what we need more of.

Instructables crowdsourced pop-up restaurant: What happens when a virtual world becomes real? What happens when a