Monthly Archive:: September 2009

Pedestrian movement accelerates in ’09: The attitude among creatives is increasingly becoming aligned with the notion that

The local indie retailers’ ‘unchain: It’s well known that local retail far outweighs the national chains in

Starbucks goes local, sort of: I never thought I’d have an entry with Starbucks in the title,

Coolest college towns’ and their ‘killer apps: While Travel + Leisure busts out their America’s Coolest College Towns list,

New old canal loft district for creative economy: The City of Lowell, Massachusetts is committed to growing its creative economy.

Healthy zoning’ as important as exercise?: In fact, according to a study covered in Time’s Why Exercise Won’t

Humanistic contemporary architecture: While this debate can extend endlessly, and this entry is surely to

CoolTown trends – early fall 2009: Here’s a wrap-up of the latest news and trends that are signaling

University towns fare well in recessions: How can your city best weather an economic downturn? Based on research,