Monthly Archive:: July 2009

Amsterdam’s extraordinary bike culture: No other city in the world matches Amsterdam’s biking culture, where more

Crowdsourced placemaking – charted: Thanks to the geniuses at ThinkStudio that brought us the direct economy

The creative economy = the ‘direct economy: For the purpose of understanding the evolution of our economy and our

Crowdsourcing the design of live-work: Washington DC developer Jair Lynch has a unique live-work space in their

Truly getting to know places when traveling: There’s little doubt that there’s no more effective way to understand the

Paris’ ultimate third place for creatives: It took until the nearly the last day I was in Paris,

What does ‘being like Paris’ mean to a creative?: First of all, I don’t presume to have all the answers to

The humanistic character of Fribourg: One of Switzerland’s best-kept secrets, Fribourg is a town of 33,000 on

My favorite square in Lausanne, Switzerland: In the historic city center of Lausanne, Switzerland, an hour away from

Geneva’s pedestrian historic district: Geneva, Switzerland, central to United Nations relations (ie known as the ‘Peace