Monthly Archive:: May 2009

The first global crowdsourced placemaking chat: On May 27, 2009 a group of people committed to crowdsourced placemaking

Keeping creatives inspired after their ‘peak: Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the literary phenomenon Eat, Pray, Love, provided some

San Francisco’s new pedestrian plaza opens: Less than five months after announcing a plan to transform a San

A piazza in Philadelphia!: Real estate developer Bart Blatstein definitely has Rome on the brain. While

The 6 Myths of Creativity: The 6 Myths Of Creativity from a work perspective, via Fast Company

Opinions on going car-free in the U.S.: While it’s plenty viable in just about any other country, what’s the
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Car-free for many in new German neighborhood: Over two years ago we covered how a community of progressive people

Placemaking video contest winner: The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) held a video contest to

Applying the right brain’s ‘Six Senses’ to crowdsourced placemaking: If we can hold onto a little bit of hope that there’s

Why right-brainers will rule this century: While they weren’t brand new cars, Oprah did leave 4500 copies of

Crowdsourcing a coworking story in Virginia…: So here’s a scene… five fellow entrepreneurs having a spontaneous coworking session

NYC’s significant Plaza Program selects winners: Introduced almost a year ago, the NY Plaza Program (a CoolTown Top

The most walkable neighborhoods in the U.S.: What are the most walkable neighborhoods in the U.S., objectively speaking? Walk
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Innovating cities for 2009: While Fast Company magazine crowned Seattle in their annual Fast Cities 2009

Seattle tops 2009′s ‘Fast Cities: Each year Fast Company magazine lists their favorite cities as far as

Cleveland’s Warehouse District: Cleveland, Ohio’s Historic Warehouse District is a model example of shifting from