Monthly Archive:: January 2009

The ‘outdoor cafe district: Continuing our look at the outdoor cafe scene this week… So, the
The ‘outdoor cafe stage row: Continuing our look at the outdoor cafe scene this week… We’re all
The ‘outdoor cafe square: Continuing our look at the outdoor cafe scene this week… How would
The ‘outdoor cafe alley: Continuing our look at the outdoor cafe scene this week… For those
The ‘outdoor cafe walk: For all the creative people, companies and events that a progressive economic
Building a creative economy using the Long Tail: Based on the previous entry of applying the Long Tail to building
New government era, new model for building a creative economy: The new administration promises to bring true meaning to ‘by the people,
The 344 s.f. ‘Domestic Transformer’ apartment: You live in a studio, but you wish you had a dining
Detroit’s downtown bright spot: There may not be a lot going right economically in Detroit, but
Economic development sans government?: Presently, economic development – “efforts that seek to improve the economic well-being
Now that’s a cafe for people watching: Helsinki, Finland’s Esplanade Park is the city’s grand natural stage, a central
Emerging generations going car free In Japan: It’s a 180-degree trend reversal in Japan, where emerging generations no longer
An ideal Creative Products District program?: Louisiana’s Cultural Districts Program has set the bar for government policy innovation
Louisiana’s Cultural Districts Program: Louisiana is one of the few states that has a very clear
The nightclub as the creative economy’s conference room: The previous entry looked at how creative skills + cultural products =
Creative skills + cultural products = creative economy: The creative economy is often ineffectively defined by the creative skills/talent: media,
Green orgs crowdsourcing DC homes: If there’s one thing I’m glad to see, it’s not just nonprofits