Monthly Archive:: December 2008

Proscriptive code for creatives’ dream town?: We’ve looked at what a proscriptive code is, and examples of proscriptive
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A city’s DNA – proscriptive codes: In the previous entry, Cities today use ‘prescriptive’ codes, but what came
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Cities today use ‘prescriptive’ codes, but what came before that?: All cities have planning codes which predetermine street widths, building heights and
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A destination retail-art-music gallery: One challenge with establishing a natural cultural district in the early stages,

The Long Tail of cities for creatives: When it comes to understanding the fundamental economic difference the Internet provides

French city invests in fashion districts: You hear a lot of talk about city economic development agencies emphasizing

Mass customizing high style, low cost furniture: While Ikea is defining an entire generation of furniture buyers with their

Urban loneliness a myth?: No county outside of New York’s has more single-individual households, at 50.6%.
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The carrotmob, aka reverse boycott, helps biz: The old ‘stick’ approach to making a difference in your neighborhood was

Young renters want small spaces, big appeal: That’s the headline for a recent USA Today article, as developers go

Hong Kong’s tri-level pedestrian street system: So if Copenhagen, Denmark is arguably the birthplace of the modern pedestrianization

Lego goes ‘natural cultural district’ urban: With the holidays around the corner and a new level of green

New York City’s ‘World Class Streets’ vision: What happens when you combine one of the world’s premiere creative cities
: Now that the American Dream has come full circle and is once

The American Dream comes full circle: What is the American Dream? From the Declaration of Independence (in a

Copenhagen the birthplace of the pedestrianization movement?: Quite often, a movement will have a starting point and a champion.

Montreal pedestrianizes 12 blocks for the summer: For those who relish the pedestrian-only districts that are prevalent in Europe,

Learning from the cohousing model: For many, the image that first pops into people’s heads who have

Small is cool in Seattle: While we may be familiar with city policies promoting car-free living, what

The personal financial benefits of going car-free: What are the real, personal financial benefits of going car-free?The friendly folks