The most innovative gov agency in the U.S.?

If you’re looking for a model of a government agency that’s looking out for creatives, your first stop should be New York City’s Department of Transportation (DOT), as has been stated several times on this site. Behind every progressive organization there’s a leader, and that’s DOT Commissioner, Janette Sadik-Khan, who not surprisingly commutes to work by bike. Kudos to Streetfilms for providing this interview that every transportation decision-maker or advocate should watch.

There’s no shortage of inspired articles on this site documenting the DOT’s commitment to establishing pedestrian-first places in New York City:
Streets to plazas examples.
Summer Streets pedestrian-only Saturdays.
The pedestrianized Broadway Boulevard.
The Streets to Plazas Program, one of the most compelling programs in the U.S., but not mentioned in the video, which goes to show they’re focused on results.

Click here for the Sustainable Streets plan she mentions at the end which summarizes the DOT’s vision.