Monthly Archive:: September 2008

Real world ‘discussion forums: The online world centers around conversation, via discussion forums, chat rooms, comment

NYC’s streets to plazas (before and after): In another example of a picture being worth a thousand words, here

Signs of a second renaissance continue: A year ago we profiled Patricia Martin’s Rengen: The Rise of the

Social network bilingual’ a rising skill in creative communities: First, the definition of bilingual - communicating in two languages fluently, or

Pedestrians rise as parking era comes to an end: Parking for cars with every new building has been the law since

Spain’s permanent ‘block parties: g src=”/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/madrid-plazadechueca.jpg” style=”padding-bottom: 8px; padding-right: 8px” align=left title=”Plaza De Chueca, Madrid, Spain”

San Francisco’s ‘Ciclovia’ – ‘Sunday Streets’: On two glorious days on August 31 and September 14, 2008, the

Ten paradoxical personality traits of the creative: While resources abound on who creatives are and the tremendous economic impact

The ‘Affinity Lab’ coworking video: If a picture is worth a thousand words, what about a video

Top cities with the qualities that matter to creatives: The previous entry highlighted what 600,000 people thought of 25 cities based

600,000 vote on their favorite cities: After a while, listening to ‘experts’ tell you which are the best

Portland’s ‘Sunday Parkways’ sans cars: As a follow up to the previous entry, Portland Striving to be

Dutch town of Venlo going ‘cradle to cradle: First of all, what’s cradle to cradle? It essentially means all waste

Viktualienmarkt – Beyond the farmers market: While farmers and public markets are experiencing a renaissance across the U.S.,

Automated bike parking garage – very cool: Amid the biking craze in many cities around the world, if you’ve

Can attainable green condos be crowdsourced?: Following the announcement of a green home crowdsourcing program in July 2008,

More community = less architect: ‘The Turf: In the continuing more community less architect series, we take a look

More community = less architect: The piazza: The European piazzas are among the most celebrated urban spaces in the

NY ped plaza goes from plan to reality in 3 months: In May 2008 the NYC DOT (Department of Transportation) announced plans for

Evening clubs’ for weekday nightclubbing: g src=”/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/toronto-gladstonehotel.jpg” style=”padding-bottom: 8px” title=”Gladstone Hotel, Toronto, Canada” Dancing is one of