Summer street closings all the rage

Tomorrow marks the first day of NYC’s Summer Streets program when 7 miles of downtown Manhattan are completely closed to cars for six hours. Check out the official PSA above, edited by Streetfilms. Check out this map for other streets that will be closed on the Saturdays of August 9, 16, 23 between 7am – 1pm.

Motivated by NY’s program, Seattle will have Car-Free Sundays during the afternoons in three different neighborhoods at a time on August 24, 31 and September 7. The buy-in by businesses isn’t quite there yet, mainly because the mayor was a bit flippant in his announcement, so it’ll be interesting to see how it all turns out in the end.

Also following with enthusiasm, San Francisco just announced car-free Sundays on August 31 and September 14 from 9 am to 1 pm, covering six miles from the Bayview neighborhood, along the Embarcadero waterfront and ending in Chinatown.

All of these programs were inspired by the Ciclovia Sunday street closings in Bogota, Colombia.