Monthly Archive:: June 2008

Carbon-free green city planned near Shanghai: On an island near Shanghai, China formed by the accumulation of, silt

Crowdsourcing a coworking district: Every major city nowadays has a coworking space, but what about a

Paris’ city-wide bike sharing inspires city-wide car sharing: What’s a city that launches the world’s largest bike sharing program, Velib

What makes an urban winery an urban winery?: The previous entry was for the beer crowd. Today’s is for the

Crowdfunding a neighborhood pub and microbrewery: A neighborhood microbrewery is a good indication that you’re living in a

Fast Company’s ‘Fast Cities’ 2008: Ok, since Fast Company Magazine’s choice for their Fast Cities 2008 U.S.

Santa Monica sets free public wi-fi standard: While the market has already assumed a digital infrastructure will succeed our

San Diego’s triple-bottom-line third place redefines ‘restaurant: If you’re looking for a benchmark restaurant that represents most everything that

NY to close major streets to cars on August saturdays: Emerging generations want more pedestrian areas, less traffic-congested streets. In Manhattan, pedestrians

How the social network influences the art scene: In the previous entry we looked at Elizabeth Currid’s The Economics of

The Economics of a Good Party: How does art and culture translate into economic value? Elizabeth Currid, author

Digital infrastructure replacing an asphalt one: In 1956 the Federal Aid Highway Act ushered in the auto age,

Crowdsourcing architecture?: First of all, one principle that our crowdsource-based beta communities agree with

Crowdsourcing – the video: Finally, a more compelling answer to the question, ‘What is crowdsourcing‘? When

Artomatic – DC’s art-village-in-a-building: So many emerging artists in one city – how can one possibly

Zero-energy, community-building, mobile coffeehouse: First we profiled the conference bike, then the pub bike, followed by

Multiple coworking spaces in same city: Not only are coworking spaces (shared open-plan entrepreneurial workplaces) fast becoming a

The pedestrian lanes of Melbourne [Streetfilms]: As we gradually evolve from an auto-oriented infrastructure to a more pedestrian-oriented
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Transit becoming cooler than cars? What’s next?: It doesn’t matter if it’s by bus, subway, light rail, streetcar or
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Crowdsourcing a dayworking scene into a nightlife district: Adams Morgan, the preeminent natural cultural district of Washington DC, has no