Monthly Archive:: April 2008

Being authentically green goes beyond ‘gizmo green: As urban designer Steve Mouzon states, there’s a lot of press on

Paris’ version of coworking – with cafe: Of course a coworking site in Paris would have a cafe. Strangely

Moving streetcar nightclub: Here’s a much more conscientious alternative to the Hummer limousine (no, not

Portland striving to be the U.S. bike capital: Already owning bragging rights to being the greenest city in the U.S.

Sign of things to come: Carfree conference comes to the U.S.: What’s a carfree conference? That’s probably what most U.S. citizens would wonder

Crowdsourcing + viral loop networks = natural cultural districts: At first glance this may seem like a lot of made-up words,
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What do ‘viral loops’ have to do with communities worth billions?: First of all, what’s a viral loop? Viral comes from viral marketing

The next gen of Central Parks are on their way: Not only are urban dwellers in select cities across the country about

Creative lessons from a green greenfield village: Readers of this website know we don’t normally cover greenfield developments, that

Check out those street lamps!: The street lamps in the photo above (yes, that’s a photo) were

Attract more creatives with ‘anchored coworking: Creatives, free agents, entrepreneurs and mobile knowledge workers may be driving the

La Rambla – one of the world’s greatest pedestrian streets: La Rambla, which translates to ‘intermittent water flow’, is the iconic hub

The medical value of social interaction, social places: One way to understand the health benefits of community and human interaction

NYC ‘Taking Back the Streets: Anyone familiar with New York City, especially Manhattan knows that there simply
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Bike sharing finally making it to the U.S.: While cities across Europe were growing their bike sharing programs, especially in
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At last, a site guide to this website’s categories!: 1300+ entries later (all archived for free here or via the Archives

A shift from mass branding to individual stories: People are changing their status quo preference of keeping up with the

The ultimate small apartment design guide: If you live in an apartment and you care about good design,

Third place coffeehouses as economic development: I first profiled Tryst back in 2003 as a popular coffeehouse third

The best city-wide creative social events are sourced by individuals: You may think the most popular, buzz-inducing events that creatives flock to

Crowdsource a tool to support local indie retail districts: What makes ‘organically-grown‘ retail and entertainment districts (natural cultural districts) so cool?