Monthly Archive:: March 2008

Austin looks to keep their ‘Live Music Capital of the World’ reputation: How important is live music to the city of Austin? How many

How do you crowdsource the evolution of a retail district?: This is a question I’m often asked – how can crowdsourcing help

Crowdsourced placemaking illustrated: This diagram illustrates how crowdsourcing is used to solve a cloud problem,

Reader experience: Each cup ‘made from scratch’ coffeehouse: My favorite category on this website is Reader Experiences. What better way

How local indies can compete with national chains: A primary reason why an overwhelming majority of new retail district developments

Third places’ for bicycle commuters: We know third places are that familiar social gathering place away from

London’s three public markets in one: If you live anywhere near Notting Hill in London you may never

PPS’s checklist for making great cities: Every once in a while a checklist is highly beneficial to remind

Pull your own pint’ – a bar within a bar: Say you’re at a bar with friends, and you want to sample

Is establishing a creative community like herding cats?: It’s not easy, according to research findings in Richard Florida’s

Happiness best reflected by the beauty of place: Continuing our look at Richard Florida’s new book, Who’s Your City?, one
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Why the personality of your place matters: One of my favorite graphics in Richard Florida’s new book, Who’s Your

The growing economic impact of the creative class: Richard Florida’s Who’s Your City?, profiled in the previous entry and available

Richard Florida’s new book, Who’s Your City?: First there was the best-selling Rise of the Creative Class that introduced

The CoolTown visual guide to crowdsourced placemaking: What is crowdsourced placemaking? A beta community? Creatives, VIBEs, third places, scenes,

Austin music event brings in $95 million: We all know how important music and events are to local culture,

Profile of a future VIBE: To refresh your memory, a VIBE is a variegated independent business entrepreneur,

Small town absorbing growth in the center: What happens when your population doubles from 10,000 in 2000 to 20,000

Finally, a one-stop-shop for green building materials: If you wanted a resource for green building materials you had more