Monthly Archive:: January 2008

The definitive list of car free places: …is on Wikipedia’s list of car free places. Now the first thing
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This isn’t your father’s light rail: …which is why in Europe they call them trams, apart from ‘light
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Cool spots’ – Identifying low carbon neighborhoods: A picture is worth a thousand words, which is why the folks
Highest density of creative class members: The most straightforward measure of the creative class in any city is
The hidden ‘indoor’ outdoor patios of Key West: The essence of Key West’s vibrancy, located along the very public Duvall
Bikes come first in Key West: Key West, Florida is both a city and an island hosting a
The hidden public courtyards of Buenos Aires: Hidden to tourists that is. The locals know where the public courtyards
Crowdsourcing a local, indie brand for creatives, by creatives: A green restaurant: Local, independent businesses that are just starting out typically can’t compete with
State of Vermont gets in on creative cities: How serious is the commitment to building more vibrant cities? This whole
How cities can invest in cool places, and why they often don’t: Utilizing the Fifth Discipline principles of systems thinking, we bring to you
Global cities a guide for global-minded neighborhoods: While not every city can be classified as a recognized global city,
Metropolitan areas with the most ‘walkable urban places’ per capita: If you want to know the metropolitan areas with the greatest number
Crowdsourcing an eco-company, ‘places’ next: While green cafes are being crowdsourced in Washington DC and New Orleans,
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Pedestrian walk in NYC? ‘Hey, let’s try it: Apparently that was the attitude of New York’s (DOT) Department of Transportation,
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A treatise on building vibrant cultural quarters: Today’s entry will be a little uncommon, but rather extraordinary as we
Cultural Quarters: Necessary Conditions and Success Factors checklist: Continuing our understanding of natural cultural districts, here’s Urban Cultures’ (profiled previously)
The four types of cultural quarters, progressively speaking: “It can be posited that urban cultural quarters, or even urban districts
How do you know you’re in a natural cultural district?: …that is, unlike an unnatural one where most of the buildings are
The impact of ‘natural cultural districts: Maybe you should think twice about investing millions in that fancy new
Crowdsourcing a NOLA network to a team to a building to a coffeehouse…: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change
“Affordable housing doesn’t have to be ugly”: That’s ‘ugly’ in terms of design and craftsmanship, not so much style,
Music scenes a sign of economic rise: What does a thriving music scene have to do with a city’s
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About Us: What we do Cooltown Studios is the only blog exclusively focused on
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