Monthly Archive:: November 2007

Apartment Therapy’s Fall Colors 2007 winner: If you’re looking for color inspiration when it comes to home interior

When you can’t get enough outdoor dining: Especially for cities with great weather all year round, restaurants often find

The neighborhood center for creatives in ‘Baires: With the rise of creatives and design in ‘BAires’ (the edgy name

The rise of design in Buenos Aires: Here’s one way to transform an industrial city like Buenos Aires, Argentina

Monocle Magazine’s international cool cities guide: Shouldn’t there be a multimedia magazine by now that captures cool culture,

The outdoor cinemas of Greece: What happens when you combine great weather with a return to inner

Germany’s #1 third place: If you’re visiting Munich and drink beer, you probably already know about

The Oxford Dictionary Word of the Year is ‘locavore: Locavore – local resident who tries to eat only food grown or

The first community-oriented crowdfunding tool hits the market: Crowdfunding is what happens when $ are applied to crowdsourcing, such as

The most bike-friendly cities in the world: I don’t know what it is, but this seems to be the

The world’s first ‘bike lift: How can you tell a city really cares about bicyclists? By spending
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A model within a model of sustainability: Sweden’s Bo01 development, aka City of Tomorrow, is designed to be a
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Self expression at its residential best: In the industrial age people had a choice of either a mass-produced
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The stackable city car – revisited: Almost two years ago we profiled the wildly innovative, stackable, electric City

Don’t have a coworking site? Adopt a cafe: CooperBricolage (CooBric) is a coworking site company without a coworking site. They’re

Ani DiFranco and her church-turned-concert hall: Recording artist Ani DiFranco wanted to energize the downtown of her hometown

The creatives: Rengen, Cultural Creatives, Creative Class: Who are the creatives? Many of you in the know have heard

Make way for the second Renaissance: It is happening in our cities now, and it rivals the Renaissance