Monthly Archive:: August 2007

Apartment renting takes a page from online dating: So many candidates, so little opportunity to find out which exactly which
Barcelona is creatively stacked: As stated just previously via Spiegel’s review of Europe’s Coolest Cities, an
An Inside Look at Europe’s Coolest Cities: You’ve seen lots of rankings of cool cities based on opinions, but
Will Liverpool create musical history again?: On one hand, you’ve got Liverpool, the home of the Beatles. On
A hotel expressive of the people who stay there: As with most buildings, the exterior and interior design of hotels rarely
How’d you like to work in an office like this?: You may be among the millions of people who wish their workplace
Beta communities seeding in many cities (Part 2): Continuing our look from yesterday at where Beta Communities are being formed…
Beta Communities seeding in many cities: Here’s a rundown on the progress of Beta Communities in cities across
Growing small businesses with the wind: When one thinks of wind energy, especially via those massive wind farms,
KC creatives get what they want – attainable downtown lofts: It’s been kind of an oxymoron – attainably-priced urban lofts. With the
Parking garage transformed into residential complex: It’s a sign of the times – a parking garage in Los
Portland OR proves green is profitable (and delicious): It’s the age old debate – the environment vs the economy. CEOs
AZ’s university research center aims at innovation: Arizona doesn’t exactly have a reputation for placemaking, but Arizona State University
The guides to creative destinations: You’re visiting a major city (or living in one) and are not
New Orleans creatives take the initiative to rebuild: Even before Katrina, the city of New Orleans was lacking in creative
Spontaneous social excursioning like never before: Have you wondered who else among your friends was planning a trip
More +
The feminine touch a growing trend in city development: A hundred years ago women couldn’t even vote, but their influence is
When building community, focus on the content, not the process: You’ve been to those evening neighborhood meetings… lots of talk about resistance
What’s your ‘Walk Score’?: One key metric in measuring a neighborhood’s triple bottom line is its
The Adams Morgan video: If you want to get creatives excited about moving to your city,
An interview with the Syracuse artist/musician developer: An interview with Rick Destito, the young, progressive developer of the artist/musician
An artist/musician ‘community in a building’, Syracuse, NY: There are numerous cities and neighborhoods with a reputation for attracting creatives,
An alternative story to opening an alternative restaurant: You dream of opening your own restaurant or bar that you feel