Monthly Archive:: July 2007

Oh thank heaven, it’s not 7-11: Have you walked through 7-11 looking for something to eat and just
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Paris being remixed for the next generation: In continuing last week’s entries on redefining streets the way we’re redefining
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New terms for pedestrian-only streets (2 of 2): Ah, the power of crowdsourcing… Realizing the need for a new generation
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New set of terms needed for pedestrian-only streets: Pedestrian-only street. It’s the primary term used to describe a street for

“How can I keep chains out of my neighborhood?”: It’s a familiar refrain from urban creatives, such as the following one

Paris launches world’s largest bike sharing system: How popular is Paris’ recently launched bike sharing program, Velib (short for

Companies now contributing to the bike share movement: We know that companies often drive positive change much more effectively than
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How South Beach became popular (before it became too popular): Today South Beach, Miami FL is no longer known as a place
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The preeminent event for art and technology: “This (Hatchfest) (profiled yesterday) looks really cool! But for us who don’t
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Film, music, writing, fine arts, fashion, photography, architecture, design…: …are some pretty desirable talents in establishing both a cultural and economic
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Best (big) cities for young professionals: Where to go if getting a job is just as important as

Neighbors form their own development firm to do it right: As they say, if you want something done right, do it yourself,

Time for indie tenants to meet real estate investors halfway: While it’s time for real estate investment to catch up to the

Time for real estate investment to catch up to the market: Where are the majority of our country’s real estate development investment dollars?

NY follows France’s lead with bike sharing: Good ideas spread fast. It’s not official yet, but New York City

Using wikinomics to enliven your neighborhood: Yesterday we took a look at the rising need to capture a

Rise of the wiki community: Hundreds of people in your neighborhood have moments of brilliance on what

Attainable urban live-work flex housing: In Michigan the housing market is ‘absolutely horrendous’, according to Geoff Greeneisen,

Pittsburgh’s Cool Space Awards 2007: If you’re looking for a cool workplace you need a service like

What makes a ‘Fast City’?: The previous entry profiled The 30 Fastest Cities to Work, Live and

The 30 Fastest Cities to Work, Live and Play: What better source than Fast Company magazine to list the fastest cities