Monthly Archive:: January 2007

Louisville’s beta community vision for downtown: What to do when no one seems to be providing a bold

The secret weapon in developing cool towns… ‘You: What does Web 2.0, the most intelligent communities of 2007, the beta

The most intelligent communities in 2007?: The NY-based Intelligent Community Forum recently announced their Intelligent Communities of 2007

Web 2.0 and why your city needs it to attract the creative class (2 of 2): Continuing the previous entry introducing the two economy-generating factors, Web 2.0 with

Web 2.0 and why your city needs it to attract the creative class (1 of 2): First of all, what is Web 2.0? In a nutshell, Web 1.0

Reader Q&A: “Can you give sources for your photos? I always love ‘em and want to follow up.”: Let’s do one better. Why don’t we all pool our most inspiring

Cities prosper with open-source approach to development: Continuing yesterday’s entry, what happens when a city takes a more open-source

There’s hidden gold in your city: The talent and assets (or at least access to them) for building

SF increasingly pro indie, NYC becoming pro chain?: According to the NY Times, the word on the street is that

Small town of Renton smartly evolving from industrial to knowledge economy: The city of Renton, just south of Seattle, has long been synonymous

SF the first to transition from asphalt to digital infrastructure: Above: Patrons of People’s Cafe in Upper Haight, San Francisco. Soon they’ll

Cool towns: Stories – How to get people to act: We’ve come to the final entry in this series of Made to

Cool towns: Emotion – Do people even care?: Part five in looking at Made to Stick’s Six Principles of Sticky

Cool towns: Credibility – do people believe you?: Part four in looking at Made to Stick’s Six Principles of Sticky

Cool towns: Concreteness – do you understand and remember it?: Continuing a review of Made to Stick’s Six Principles of Sticky Ideas

Cool towns: Unexpectedness – does it get and hold your interest?: Continuing our look at Made to Stick’s Six Principles of Sticky Ideas

Cool towns: Simplicity – the core message: As introduced in the last entry, this week we’ll be communicating how
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Beta community designs a neighborhood their way in Germany: We recently answered the question How can a City establish a ‘beta