Monthly Archive:: October 2006

Signs of Pittsburgh’s creative renaissance – zombies: Happy halloween… Pittsburgh has had a tough transition from its prosperous industrial

What will the next generation of Manhattan look like?: No cars on 42nd Street, for starters, if Vision42 is executed, an

So you want a co-op supermarket downtown…: Good neighborhood supermarkets are hard to come by. Trader Joe’s and Whole

Philadelphia’s ‘One Big Campus’ to attract/retain jobs, creatives: Pennsylvania hasn’t exactly been at the top of the list in states

The evolution of economic eras and placemaking: The table is from “Linking the New Economy to the Livable Community”,

A NYC ‘beta community’ to build a piazza: What’s so hard about building a piazza? That’s the general thinking of

A slice of creative class nightlife: We know there are studies (Competing in the Age of Talent) that

Celebrities investing in inner cities in a big way: Henry Cisneros. Magic Johnson. Shaquille O’Neal. Oscar De La Hoya. From a

Business Week: ‘IDEO’s Urban Pre-Planning: The story behind the BusinessWeek article, IDEO’s Urban Pre-Planning, is already creating
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NY Times – What did three college graduates have to do with a $15 million urban village?: That’s right, they’re the developers, and four years later, they’re in the

How artists can more formally help vitalize cities: We know there are studies that relate artists to economic impact, attracting

Is your city a burden to creatives?: If it doesn’t have walkable urban neighborhoods, it could very well be.

ZeroOne – Where art and technology create compelling experiences: The TV set. Computer. Cell phone. Movie theater. These are technologies that
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Your uh, bus is here? Making mass transit cool: That’s the thing about mass transit isn’t it? It’s extremely practical and
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A look at NYC’s creative class strategy: Being that New York City is the pinnacle of urban living in

The creative class isn’t just artists!: Because of the name, creative class, many perceive it to consist of

Why do cities shrink and grow? Can cultural regeneration help?: It’s a simple question, and there are thousands of case studies. One
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Add to your town’s creative experiences: It depends on it. Especially if you feel your community is lacking
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1.5M s.f. new shopping center, zero new parking: A neglected series of buildings is expanding by an additional one million

Does your city ever emanate the ‘innovation overload’ buzz?: It’s like jumping into a hot spring in the winter – not

Not enough downtown to go around in Southern town: What happens when a small city invests in attracting the creative class?