Monthly Archive:: July 2005

A year in the life of a family gone ‘carless: Understanding the target market is imperative to building places that they would

The dawning of public-private partnerships in innovative development: Let’s face it – creative urban development is costly, much more so

Imagine a neighborhood of these…: Tired of apartment buildings, strip malls and office parks? How about a

More written values, better coffeeshop?: Do the cafes and coffeeshops in your neighborhood have stories, soul… values?

Neighborhoods funding the new arts, not corporations: Corporate funding for the arts dropped 48% in the last 15 years;

Cobblestone streets are good for you: We know cobblestone streets aren’t the best for driving on, but that

Why are urban schools on the rise?: So, there was evidence given yesterday that urban, city, downtown schools are

Urban schools getting better?! No… really?!: Ask just about any parent-to-be why they feel compelled to eventually leave

The coolest restaurants are going green: For progressive, community-oriented individuals like yourself, one way to identify a like-minded

Goodbye to the corporate cubicle: Since we can’t all be entrepreneurs and artists, many of us need

Next gen green building: The next generation isn’t just interested in green building, it’s a requirement.
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Redefining communal living: Communal living to the previous generation meant that you had to take

It ain’t so trendy if it’s inexpensive: Hey folks, just got back yesterday from a two-and-a-half week vacation to

Is smaller becoming better?: First, the facts: World Wildlife Federation (WWF) research shows people are consuming

West Palm Beach’s second encore: As presented yesterday, first came the renaissance of the downtown, then CityPlace,

Success spreading in West Palm Beach: In 2000, downtown West Palm Beach had no more than 2000 residents

Great place-making… for visitors: CityPlace, West Palm Beach is one of the most beautiful, European-inspired new

Indicators that ‘eyes on the street’ are on the rise: Based on this week’s series, what are the commercial, residential and retail