Monthly Archive:: May 2005

Urban infill trends focus on people: Downtowns continue to grow. Young professionals and small families are rediscovering the

Main street mall – oxymoron?: There’s been a heated discussion lately in at the urbanism watering hole,

Big, healthy street trees – not that hard: Just remember – ‘big and alive with five by five’. We’ll get

Reader-driven CoolTown book?: The world’s most creative people put together what has become the world’s

A village of third places – in one block: The name says it all for this destination in Munich, Germany: CityQuartier

Evidence shows walkable towns healthier: In a recent large-scale study* of 16 pairs of neighborhoods, one that

Where are the top women business builders living?: If your city needs job growth, it needs fast-growing businesses. From 1997

The projects’ – 2005: Everyone knows what ‘the projects’ are – ugly, federal-government-financed, high-rise stand-alone buildings

Why some cities prosper more than others: It’s quite simple really. Cities prosper when companies create jobs. Companies create

Developing a community for their peers: Ben, Naomi and Josh knew their town of Oberlin, OH was lacking

Forbes’ best place to work: Boise: Looking to start your business or career? Low business costs (low cost

Interview with a ‘CoolTown’ developer (part 2): Continuing yesterday’s interview with urban pioneer Larry Warshaw… How did you come

Interview with a ‘CoolTown’ developer: While true CoolTown/creative class real estate developers represent the next generation of

What urban type are you?: Here’s an abridged quiz to ‘discover your true urban style’, found on

Maintaining great retail entertainment downtowns: What are the primary trends, positive and negative, in creating and maintaining

4 days of cool new attitudes for old main streets: “Showcasing historic buildings and innovative ideas that bring new businesses, new people,

The value of artists in urban development: An abstract depiction of a proposed place can often capture its emotion,

The 13 points of pedestrian-oriented development: Here they are as presented by one of the top town planning

A treasure trove of public spaces: Looking for a singular resource of great public spaces, especially with photos?