Monthly Archive:: February 2005

Hot trends for 2005?: Entrepreneur Magazine released their Hot Trends for 2005, reflecting an ever evolving
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When does creativity really happen in cities?: The Renaissance in Florence. Silicon Valley. Japan post WWII. New York City
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Who will make downtowns succeed?: Successful downtowns require a successful retail district. Today, that retail district must
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Educational culture meets retail: The conflicts: Museums and performing arts centers are struggling amid public budget
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The merging of entertainment and retail: Main streets are no longer the department-store-oriented retail districts they used to
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Learning the economic value of authenticity from Argentina: Argentina’s economic woes aren’t too different from struggling small towns and city
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Town Haul on TLC/Discovery Channel – Open your mind: Hey, give Genevieve Gorder (and her designer cohorts) some credit here. Formerly
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Planning and economic development: Like oil and water?: Usually, unfortunately, honestly, yes. Planners are often from the left, economic development

Banners bring some style: Just a few banners applied here to a restored historic building help

If only this were real…: Now this is a true piazza in design and proportion, just the
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Finally, a contemporary new town: The irony is that of the hundreds of new pedestrian-oriented towns being

The secret to Boulder’s downtown pedestrian street?: Boulder’s downtown pedestrian street (Pearl Street) is one of only a few

San Francisco’s hidden alley destination: As they say, “If San Francisco had a French quarter, Belden Place

Since when does dining in an alley provide a great view?: The answer? When you focus on designing great alleys. Narrow, pedestrian-only streets

Why the renewed popularity in the small car?: The MINI Cooper is one of the biggest automotive success stories in
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What happens when places are designed for people?: You get places like this. The scene seems so natural, but it’s
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Every main street needs a Ben’s Chili Bowl: In addition to the new and exciting restaurants and shops (eg the
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