Monthly Archive:: December 2004

Oh what place-making wonders await us when we get the truth: The real question is, if there are so many people in the
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So many cool public places… overseas?: First of all, the cool public piazzas, paseos and courtyards in other
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You know there’s a strong sense of community when…: …the walls at the neighborhood supermarket are plastered with personal classified ads
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The four phases of urban retail revitalization: According to Steven Gartner, president of Metro Commercial Real Estate, the revitalization
What’s hot in town tonight? Have your favorite venues tell you: Sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming (or underwhelming) trying to figure out what
Solution to a weak dollar?: As our trade deficit grows, the American economy becomes less stable and
The first and only CoolTown-oriented regional leadership: In January 2003, the Federal Reserve Bank announced a new economic development
New Richard Florida Book: Cities and the Creative Class: Cities and the Creative Class is for studious fans of Richard Florida’s
Sienna’s version of a portal: It’s tradition in Spain and Portugal to have family dinners outdoors, and
Car sharing – anywhere you want it: The conflict – car sharing isn’t available in every city, much less
Project for Public Spaces: 20 best: One of the best resources for great public places is the nonprofit
Can artists bring vitality to an abandowned downtown?: The artists in the Massachusetts town of Pittsfield think so. Pittsfield lost
Transit Mini: Here’s another example of the growing trend towards more personalized mass transit
CoolTown mobility review: Here’s a summary of how the CoolTown entries on mobility may fit
BRT: Boldly going where no car or train has gone before: The mass customization economy has recently produced a new vehicle that travels
Streetcar revival: While the next generation of mass customized, personalized mass transit won’t arrive