Monthly Archive:: October 2004

How to do a pedestrian street right: For a vibrant, active, economically successful pedestrian street (paseo), it must have

Is it time for the return of the pedestrian street?: Hundreds of pedestrian malls built in downtowns across the country in the
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A Coffeehouse David vs. Goliath: This is the coffeehouse ‘David’ in Athens, Georgia, Blue Sky Cafe, an
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Why do small towns and cities prefer independents merchants?: That’s certainly the case in small towns and cities, but not in

Local businesses give 70% more back to you than chains: A new retail study for a Chicago neighborhood discovered that for every

City living holds back aging?: Yes, apparently by 4 to 12 years. News articles are reporting results

See your home near transit rise in value…: A study shows that demand for compact housing near transit is likely
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How do you create a great outdoor place?: Think about what makes a great indoor destination – a memorable, well-defined

Want to grow your local businesses? Print your own money: Want to build a stronger sense of community? Print your own money.

Does affordable housing mean less profitability?: Not at all, but we need to make one distinction – there’s

Where’s the heart of entertainment in Ann Arbor?: If there’s only one area to go in Ann Arbor for entertainment,

The creative side of Ann Arbor: Kerrytown: Ann Arbor is the final stop in the CoolTown five-city tour, and

Why some universities charge more than others…: …even though the educational talent is similar? Because they can. Students are

Burlington’s economy-defying pedestrian mall: What’s immediately striking for such a small town of 40,000 people is

Burlington – Best of the big city and small town: If it wasn’t for the unrelenting, frigid winters, Burlington would be too

Athfest – “#1 Campus Scene that Rocks”: That’s according to Rolling Stone Magazine. Ath Fest, a nonprofit annual music
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What the #$*! Do We Know?!: No, I’m not going obscene, this is the title of a new
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Why does Athens have such a strong sense of community?: The business manager of Athens Weekly News, a popular local political paper,
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Is this a bar, cafe or restaurant?: All of the above. This is ‘Clocks’ in Athens, GA. We’re become
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