Monthly Archive:: May 2004

Upper Rock District Plan #2: Here’s the other master plan proposal for the Upper Rock District. While
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Upper Rock District Plan #1: The newly planned Upper Rock District, covered in the blog this week,

Charrette result: Upper Rock District: Here’s the result of the ‘entrepreneurial village’ charrette being covered since the

Charrette results from tonight to be posted. This week’s poll up!: Stay tuned to see the results of the week-long charrette to design
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Designing an entrepreneurial village in a week: Welcome to the cool way to plan a town – the charrette
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“I’ll have one of those”: This is a common response by real estate developers today who see
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Do women support CoolTowns?: Yes, as this blog has aluded to here and here, referring to
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Poll: Which food venue is missing in your neighborhood?: We all have our favorite eating establishment, the place where we depend

Up-ending the real estate industry – really!: The reason why over 90% of new homes are built as sprawl

More third places – coffee shops: Third places are easy to remember and return to, but very difficult

Great live/work neighborhoods are about choice: What time shall I wake up for work tomorrow? Shall I walk

10 Characteristics of Successful Charter Schools: The most innovative charter schools study the principles of informal learning to

Creating places for informal learning: As highlighted in yesterday’s blog, informal learning is crucial for productivity and

CoolTowns are about informal learning: Formal learning learning as defined by a Dept. of Labor study, is

Even Baby Boomers seek CoolTowns: BOBOs (bourgeois bohemian boomers) and Nexers (empty nester boomers) are as keen

A rather lofty supermarket: Many of us shop at large supermarkets, whether it’s Whole Foods, Safeway